Month: <span>August 2015</span>

Perfectionism 2.0

Perfectionism 2.0 Preview PicturePerfectionism is that nice word, that helps us to get away from the “tell me about your weaknesses?“ question during job interviews. But, nice and charming as it may seem, being one has its consequences.

When I needed to write an important email to my colleagues at work, allowing it to leave my inbox was pretty intense. After I would finish programming a module, my instinct told me “Damn, now you know exactly how you should rewrite it!” (And after rewriting it, I really-truly-honestly knew how the next rewrite should be…). When I created presentations for my superiors, I wondered whether I should use ‘Fade’ or ‘Appear’ animation, as if it could change the course of humanity.  In other words, if perfectionists had started a membership club, they would give me the honorary member certificate.…

The First Post: Conflicting Emotions

At this very moment, as I’m writing these words, I feel a mix of strange emotions. They are trying to convey a very clear thought – STOP WRITING! The reasons for this are very clear: I could say something stupid. Statistically speaking, I would probably do so along the way. I don’t know grammar well enough, as English is not my native language. And last, Writing about myself means being exposed without any regrets. The grandchildren of my grandchildren would read it (assuming earth still exists) for the good and for the bad.

The only way I could get past these emotions is by writing them. So there, I did it! Now, after they got their few minutes of fame, I can finally move on.…