Month: <span>September 2015</span>

Our Labelling Infrastructure

Our Labelling Infrastructre - LogoEach and every one of us wants to feel special. We want others to see us in some unique way that suits only us and nobody else. We would go to great lengths in order to be special: the way we choose what to wear, the odor we put on ourselves, the way we choose our words while communicating and many more choices that serve us the need to distinct ourselves from others in this vast (filled-with-youtubed-cats) world. You see, I needed for some reason to add the side note to my last sentence to serve that need too… damn you self-awareness!

Putting high aspirations aside, we are extremely intelligent creatures – and the reason for it is because we have an amazing thing and it’s called the neocortex.…

Kepler 452b and non popular thoughts on alcohol

Kepler 452b And Non popular thoughts on Alcohol - LogoI want to say it out loud: I don’t like alcohol. I know I belong to a rare minority here, but I’ve learned to accept that.

When I was exposed to the concept of parties during high-school, I believed that a party was about enjoying great music, releasing energy in the form of dancing while being in good company. Unfortunately, that was not the case (to say the least) in the parties I have been.

During high-school, the whole experience of a party was pretty different. It had taken place in a very crowded area, the music screamed (as its volume threatened to make us all deaf) and everyone craved for attention, constantly occupied in how others are looking at them.…

The Covert Messages Module

CM - LogoOur society is extremely judgmental. Billboards show us how we should look, powerful people on TV show us how we should behave, and from the moment we are born, we are streamed into an educational pipeline which is comparative by design. Living in such reality, meant that my emotional calendar had frequent meetings with inferiority.

The first and intense meeting I had with it was during my childhood. As a child, I loved eating! Not “this-is-a-cool-meal!” kind of eating, but “this-is-awesome! – I have a subconscious need for compensation – so-I-want-more!” kind of eating. Shortly after, the mirror showed no mercy when looking back at me, as my body started to grow “fat-centers” that were located like strategic army headquarters. In addition, being over-weight was a “CPU-intensive operation”, which meant I had very little energy left to paying “basic” attention.…