Month: <span>December 2015</span>

The Have-It-All Eli

The have-it-all Eli - LogoHe woke up into yet another intense day at work. He got his goodbye kiss from the love of his life and approached his car while trying not to spill his hot coffee. “6 new messages”, his luxurious smartwatch said. As always, he drove to work while making endless phone calls. Each one presented a challenging dilemma he successfully addressed, as he was one of the brightest corporate managers that his company had ever known. Although they were a bit tedious, these morning calls made him feel good. However, unlike most days, today he experienced unusually heavy traffic, which awkwardly-enough, left him with no further calls to make. He thought for a second and dialed his wife. She didn’t answer, as she was probably busy with her morning routine.…

Freedom 2.0 [Part 3]

Freedom 2.0 - Part 3 Logo v2Whether our behavioral equations were adapted from others, or they were created by some strong emotional experience – eventually, I found myself troubled by the same philosophical question… and the question is why? Why do we have such a strong tendency to follow equations? What is so magical about them that everyone (including me as I’m typing these very words…) just happily follow them – no questions asked.…