He woke up into yet another intense day at work. He got his goodbye kiss from the love of his life and approached his car while trying not to spill his hot coffee. “6 new messages”, his luxurious smartwatch said. As always, he drove to work while making endless phone calls. Each one presented a challenging dilemma he successfully addressed, as he was one of the brightest corporate managers that his company had ever known. Although they were a bit tedious, these morning calls made him feel good. However, unlike most days, today he experienced unusually heavy traffic, which awkwardly-enough, left him with no further calls to make. He thought for a second and dialed his wife. She didn’t answer, as she was probably busy with her morning routine.…
The Have-It-All Eli
Freedom 2.0 [Part 3]
Whether our behavioral equations were adapted from others, or they were created by some strong emotional experience – eventually, I found myself troubled by the same philosophical question… and the question is why? Why do we have such a strong tendency to follow equations? What is so magical about them that everyone (including me as I’m typing these very words…) just happily follow them – no questions asked.…
Freedom 2.0 [Part 2]
Kate wanted a relationship for a long time – and finally, she’d met Aaron and they’ve started dating. They went on a couple of dates and had a great time together. Aaron had recently graduated from university, so he wanted to take a few months off before applying for a steady job. This change also gave him the opportunity to shake off some of his romantic dust and find new ways for Kate and him to spend time together. At first, Kate was delighted with Aaron’s sense of romance and creativity, but as time went by, she barely found time for herself anymore. Kate didn’t want to hurt Aaron so she “played along”, and only a few weeks later, Kate finally decided to bring up the subject.…
Freedom 2.0
Let’s talk about freedom. Not rational freedom like “I live in a democracy” or “I could buy any pair of jeans I want”. I’m talking about the feeling of freedom – a deep feeling, of being your authentic self in a large variety of situations. No masks, no conformism and not “following the group code”. This feeling is so deep, that many times it seems like a “joyful wish” rather than a possible reality. We have learned to be so good at reading the “getting along codes” in our lives that at some point, talking about emotional freedom seems like a big spiritual mumble jumble. I couldn’t agree more……
Our Labelling Infrastructure
Each and every one of us wants to feel special. We want others to see us in some unique way that suits only us and nobody else. We would go to great lengths in order to be special: the way we choose what to wear, the odor we put on ourselves, the way we choose our words while communicating and many more choices that serve us the need to distinct ourselves from others in this vast (filled-with-youtubed-cats) world. You see, I needed for some reason to add the side note to my last sentence to serve that need too… damn you self-awareness!
Putting high aspirations aside, we are extremely intelligent creatures – and the reason for it is because we have an amazing thing and it’s called the neocortex.…
Kepler 452b and non popular thoughts on alcohol
I want to say it out loud: I don’t like alcohol. I know I belong to a rare minority here, but I’ve learned to accept that.
When I was exposed to the concept of parties during high-school, I believed that a party was about enjoying great music, releasing energy in the form of dancing while being in good company. Unfortunately, that was not the case (to say the least) in the parties I have been.
During high-school, the whole experience of a party was pretty different. It had taken place in a very crowded area, the music screamed (as its volume threatened to make us all deaf) and everyone craved for attention, constantly occupied in how others are looking at them.…
The Covert Messages Module
Our society is extremely judgmental. Billboards show us how we should look, powerful people on TV show us how we should behave, and from the moment we are born, we are streamed into an educational pipeline which is comparative by design. Living in such reality, meant that my emotional calendar had frequent meetings with inferiority.
The first and intense meeting I had with it was during my childhood. As a child, I loved eating! Not “this-is-a-cool-meal!” kind of eating, but “this-is-awesome! – I have a subconscious need for compensation – so-I-want-more!” kind of eating. Shortly after, the mirror showed no mercy when looking back at me, as my body started to grow “fat-centers” that were located like strategic army headquarters. In addition, being over-weight was a “CPU-intensive operation”, which meant I had very little energy left to paying “basic” attention.…
Perfectionism 2.0
Perfectionism is that nice word, that helps us to get away from the “tell me about your weaknesses?“ question during job interviews. But, nice and charming as it may seem, being one has its consequences.
When I needed to write an important email to my colleagues at work, allowing it to leave my inbox was pretty intense. After I would finish programming a module, my instinct told me “Damn, now you know exactly how you should rewrite it!” (And after rewriting it, I really-truly-honestly knew how the next rewrite should be…). When I created presentations for my superiors, I wondered whether I should use ‘Fade’ or ‘Appear’ animation, as if it could change the course of humanity. In other words, if perfectionists had started a membership club, they would give me the honorary member certificate.…
The First Post: Conflicting Emotions
At this very moment, as I’m writing these words, I feel a mix of strange emotions. They are trying to convey a very clear thought – STOP WRITING! The reasons for this are very clear: I could say something stupid. Statistically speaking, I would probably do so along the way. I don’t know grammar well enough, as English is not my native language. And last, Writing about myself means being exposed without any regrets. The grandchildren of my grandchildren would read it (assuming earth still exists) for the good and for the bad.
The only way I could get past these emotions is by writing them. So there, I did it! Now, after they got their few minutes of fame, I can finally move on.…
Recent Posts
- The Have-It-All Eli December 11, 2015
- Freedom 2.0 [Part 3] December 9, 2015
- Printer-Friendly Dark Editing Theme for Microsoft Word November 20, 2015
- Freedom 2.0 [Part 2] November 18, 2015
- Freedom 2.0 October 17, 2015
- Our Labelling Infrastructure September 21, 2015
- Kepler 452b and non popular thoughts on alcohol September 14, 2015
- The Covert Messages Module September 5, 2015
- Perfectionism 2.0 August 15, 2015
- The First Post: Conflicting Emotions August 15, 2015
Recent Comments
- Guy Katabi on Kepler 452b and non popular thoughts on alcohol
- Adi Ben Uri on Kepler 452b and non popular thoughts on alcohol
- Renana on Perfectionism 2.0
- Yuval Itzchakov on Perfectionism 2.0